OrangeFronter is a company that connects the worlds most advanced technology to the next generation by facing the current problems and providing the most reliable information & technology useful to mankind.


OrangeFronter provides information and products to our customer that only we can provide using our motto/theme/vision of health, longetivity and beauty.

From the point of preventive medicine, we take on product development very seriously and reassured with Japan quality, so that we are able enrich everyones future regardless of age which we believe is OrangeFronter's future.

Product Development

From the moment we are born and as our lives progress mankind faces growing old.
We are never able to avoid growing old although each person is unique in their path, as some seem younger even if they are the same age, look the same and act the same.
In our pursuit of finding out "WHY" by gathering information from all over the world of PREVENTION / TREATEMENT / IMPROVEMENT we have found a place to introduce the technologies and products which are able to extend healthy life expectancy.

Be aware of providing information that can be trusted

Orange Fronter creates innovative products (cosmetics, quasi-drugs and health foods) to address daily health risks, and works to earn the trust of our customers by always improving our of products.
Today, we face many challenges as we can see the diversification of diseases and the disparity in medical needs differentiate between generations and regions.
Orange Fronter utilizes its own global networks to search, procure, research and develop products and raw materials. We are steadily pursuing and trying to propose information that suits the needs of our customers.


Orange Fronter, Inc.

1 Central Park West #29A
  • Real Estate Investments
  • Business Investments
  • World Wellness


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